logo Sun, Jan 28, 2024

Father wanted to kill Pooja in childhood

Father wanted to kill Pooja in childhood
Father wanted to kill Pooja in childhood

ITDC INDIA E PRESS /ITDC NEWS :  One day I got a message in Instagram's DM. It was written in that message- I am Indra Kumar, your step brother, our father has passed away. I was stunned after reading this, I could not understand anything for a while. I thought of telling all this to my mother, but first sent a screenshot of this message to Didi. Seeing this, Didi said that he is already dead for us. don't pay attention to all these things.

Just focus on your career. Didi is practical, so it did not matter much, but I am very emotional. For many days this thing kept going on in my mind.

This thing has been said by Pooja Chopra, who was the winner of Femina Miss India World (2009). Apart from this, he has worked in films like Commando, Aiyaary and Jahan Chaar Yaar. He made his acting debut in the 2011 Tamil film Ponnar Shankar.

Pooja Chopra started her career as a model, then appeared in films, but she never wanted to make a career in both these fields. His dream was to become an IPS officer, but with the help of luck, he started this journey. This journey was also full of many struggles. Her father wanted to kill her as soon as she was born, but mother Neera Chopra and her sister Shubhra raised Pooja and made her worthy of it.

Before knowing the story of her struggle with Pooja, we talked to her mother Neera Chopra and came to know how her father wanted to kill Pooja as soon as she was born…

in-laws always wanted a boy

Mother Neera Chopra told- I got married only after graduation. The family members liked the in-laws, due to which the marriage was done soon. After marriage everything was going well. After some time I gave birth to elder daughter Shubhra. The family members were not very happy with his birth, they always wanted a boy.

Although it was expected that the next child would be a boy. In this hope, I used to serve my mother-in-law a lot. She used to do every work that being happy, she would continue to bless, so that I would be blessed with a son.

No one even came to see the hospital after Pooja's birth.

When I gave birth to Pooja after a few years, no one came to see me in the hospital for 3 days. The nurse used to come everyday and tell me that it is so hot, get clothes from someone from home. When 3 days passed like this, I gave the number of the house to the nurse and told her to call and inform about the clothes at home. After some time when she came back, she was stealing glances from me. I got it. A woman next to me gave me 1-2 clothes for worship.

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